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प्रेरणा : जीवन का दीपस्तंभ (Inspiration: The lighthouse of life )
प्रेरणा - जिसके बिना जीवन का अस्तित्व नहीं, मानवीय भावनाओं की संसार का परिचय नहीं। किसी भटके हुए मुसाफिर को रास्ता दिखाती, इस स्वार्थ की...
Courage and Heroism
“Step forward Jawan” shouted the commanding officer. I stepped forward with the most confident steps I had probably ...
Seeds of Hope
The most wonderful time of the year- a snowy December of 1987, There sat alone on the frigid icebound bench a numb boy of age eleven....
Mumbai through lens of memories
Diwali season called for a mandatory attic clean up and all the other usual drama, dust piled up made me think it had been accumulating...
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